Wednesday, October 9, 2013

My Lifestyle in a Cup.

I start thinking about the day as my husband and I sip the morning cup, or pot in my case. The caffeine provides the energy boost to act on the list of responsibilities lined up for the day. The last step in the daily ritual of coffee is to share our day as the energy levels dwindle.

by My Inner Child (slowly catching up)
Coffee is more than a morning necessity, it is a lifestyle.

For some people epiphanies occur on the toilet or in the shower, mine are after espresso. On the front porch watching planes flying overhead with an empty cup in hand, more than just my eyes were opened. Daily life outlined by coffee habits can be applied to anything.

Learn how forgetfulness creates worrying, not thinking. How observations fuel questions to spur on action. How fear of failure can be eliminated by sharing.

First thoughts of the morning for me usually go something like this: Does my husband have morning or afternoon meetings or both? Was my son’s doctor appointment at one or two? Are the library books due today or tomorrow? What is going to be for supper? Do I need to start it in the morning, afternoon or evening? Are there any outstanding orders I haven’t fulfilled for clients yet?

Then I question my thoughts. Am I preparing or worrying about my day before it beings? 
Worrying isn't the same as thinking.
Creating a schedule posted in the kitchen of life’s responsibilities and keeping it constantly updated is an easy way to eliminate some forgetfulness, which reduces worrying. Then time is found for thinking.

Some days I simply review the schedule and following it. It isn’t deep thought, but the lack of worrying let me start my day positively. Being awake allows me to observe the world around me.
Observations are powerful.
Writers don’t invent fiction, the story was already there; they are just the record it.
Artists interpret visual energy with paint for all to see.
Scientist and engineers use two dimensions, writing numbers on paper, to explain an infinite number of dimensions needed to make the theory work.
The more I observe, the more questions I start to think, and the more I question the more actions I need to take to find a solution. This is where fear sneaks in with threats of failure.

Failure is an unnecessary fear.
Know that you are going to fail at some point, and know that you are going to get back up and try again. Inaction creates doubt and from doubt grows fear. Be courageous every day by starting with confidence instead of worry.
Observations are not right or wrong, they just are.
The world that we observe through our own way of thinking would be worthless if it wasn’t shared. Worth isn’t measured in fame, money or power, but in accumulated knowledge. Modern electricity might not allow me to type out these thoughts if Franklin hadn’t shared his observations of electrical energy first.

Instead of an individualistic society, we need to develop a community.

Think of the last time you sat in a café or a bar. Over a cup of coffee or pint of beer you chat, I know I do. Sharing tales of fishing hunting or shopping are all shared observations from our lives. Why should it stop there?

Think. Do. Share.
A simple motto inspired by a cup of espresso.

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