Wednesday, January 28, 2015

The Nose

I am so excited for this Friday.
I have the opportunity to speak to kindergarteners about being a writer. Not just any kindergarteners, but my son's school; all 70-80 kids in that grade.

A week or so ago, my son came home and told me the coolest thing.
His class was starting a writer's workshop!
Not only have the kindergarteners of Rupley Elementary been learning how to read and write their letters, the students are being taught sentence structure and paragraph construction.
They are encourage to not only listen to stories, but to think critically about why they like it or don't like it in pictures and in words.

For the age group, my talk will focus on using our senses to describe a picture. 
In my process, the picture slowly evolves into a silent movie. Only after I have a chance to digest the imagery do I start to consider constructing sentences to read what I see, feel, hear, smell and taste in the scene I have visualized/drawn.

One story, or book as my son says, his class was working on this week was about a rabbit who steals the nose off a snowman. Inspired by flipbooks, I have illustrated my own interpretation of this story. Due to the number of kids I am speaking to, I have made it into a digital edition to make view as accessible as possible.

Eventually I would like to add color and clean up the lines a bit, but that will have to wait.
For the Students and staff at my son's school, Rupley Elementary, I dedicate this short story: The Nose.

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